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Nexus Upload 403

Nexus 3 Downloads Error: Resolving 403 Forbidden

Troubleshooting Access Issues

If you encounter an Error 403 Forbidden while attempting to download mods from Nexus 3, there are several troubleshooting steps to consider.


Ensure you are properly authenticated on the Nexus 3 server. Log out and log back in to your account. This may resolve temporary authentication issues.

Check Repository Permissions

Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access the repository containing the desired artifacts. Check with the repository administrator to ensure you have the appropriate read permissions.

Confirm Anonymous Access

If anonymous access is enabled for the repository, ensure you are using the correct URL. The anonymous access URL may differ from the authenticated URL.

Alternative Upload Methods

Manual Upload

You can manually upload artifacts to Nexus 3 without running a build using the following steps:

  1. Select a hosted repository in the Browse feature.
  2. Click on the "Upload" button.
  3. Choose the artifact file you wish to upload.


Use the Nexus 3 REST API to upload artifacts programmatically. Refer to the Nexus 3 documentation for detailed instructions.

Uploader Tool

Employ the Nexus 3 Uploader Tool, a command-line utility, to upload artifacts and components efficiently. This tool provides advanced options for managing artifact metadata and dependencies.
