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Former Defence Committee Chair Calls For Swift Action

UK Must Support Ukraine as Russian Aggression Grows: Tobias Ellwood

Former Defence Committee Chair Calls for Swift Action

Tory MP and former infantry captain Tobias Ellwood has issued a stark warning that the UK must do more to support Ukraine as combat-ready Russian troops gather on its borders.

Ellwood, who chairs the House of Commons Defence Select Committee, expressed deep concern about the recent leak of a conversation involving German military officers discussing British operations in Ukraine. He described the leak as "worrying on a number of levels," particularly in light of Russia's escalating aggression.

Ellwood emphasized that a rise in defence spending and enhanced international coordination were crucial to effectively counter Russia's growing aggression. He noted that the ongoing war in Ukraine had already taken a significant toll on the UK's military equipment and resources.


Ellwood's call for increased support for Ukraine highlights the growing urgency of the situation. As Russian forces continue to amass on the border, the UK and its allies must work together to provide Ukraine with the necessary resources to defend its sovereignty and deter further aggression.

Failure to act decisively could have dire consequences for Ukraine and the stability of the wider region. The UK and its partners must prioritize the defence of Ukraine and send a clear message that aggression will not be tolerated.
